Friday, September 21, 2012

Cookbook: Good Housekeeping 1933

Let me begin by saying, "I love books!"..... Especially vintage/antique cookbooks.
My love for cookbooks stems from my mother, she got me into collecting them.
My mother's family is French, so we LOVE food.
Before moving I neglected my cookbooks and didn't use them as much as before I decided to uproot and finish my degree.
However, I am back at it and would like to share my love of cookbooks with all of you. 
Just for a side note, I would like to add that I stick with my cookbooks 'til the bitter end. 
Meaning, I try to prepare every recipe within the cookbook before moving on to the next one.
The first little gem I would like to introduce you all to is my third edition, 1933 Good Housekeeping cookbook. 
I absolutely adore this book for very many reasons, but most of all I appreciate the simplicity of these of recipes.
The added home keeping tips are just a bonus. 
There are many different versions of this book but I prefer the older ones because it reminds my so much of how my father's mother cooked.
God rest her soul. 
She was a traditional southern woman that would fix a meal out of anything, she always knew how to make something out of nothing.
I'm sure her growing up during the depression times had a lot to do with her style of cooking. 
Now back to the cookbook itself....
So far my favorite recipe to cook is the chicken croquettes. 
Again, very easy to cook and always turn out great. 
the book covers such topics as:
-Left-overs and the Game of Thrift
-Jelly Making
-Stocking the Pantry Shelf
-Cooking for Two/Six Persons
-Canapes and Hors D'Oeuvres
-Along with many others..... 
The only problem with older cookbooks is finding recipes to suit my foodie style. 
I have given up red meat and I am on my way to giving up pork.
Pork has been my biggest challenge thus far. 
Until Next Time.....

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