Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nook Book: The Mill River Recluse

For Christmas I received a nook simple e-reader and I quickly became addicted. 

The first book I purchased for my nook was The Mill River Recluse. This is Darcie Chan's first novel and at $.99 I didn't feel bad about purchasing this book. I ran across this title while searching the NY Times Bestseller list and after reading it I know now why it was on this list. This book is about a woman who was abused by her husband and spent 60 years in seclusion. She confides in the town priest and only he knows her secrets. HER SECRETS are what kept me reading and made it hard for me to put my nook down even for a short period of time. When I thought I would find a resting place I would find myself having to read on because of things that were being revealed throughout the book. 

This is a fairly easy read as the writer presents the story in a clear and concise manner. 

I hope Darcie Chan continues to write because I look forward to reading other books by her.

Until next time....

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